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For plants, animals, microbes and other species endemic or relevant to Australia, the Australian Reference Genome Atlas (ARGA) locates and aggregates genomic data, including:

• reference genome assemblies • genome annotations • population and variant sets • DNA barcodes • coding and non-coding DNA sequences • raw genomics data

Search by species, higher classification, data type or ecological and phenotypic traits. Get started by entering any word in the search bar below, or scroll down to browse pre-filtered groupings.

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Data summary

Percentage of species with genomes
Taxonomic breakdown
Number of species/OTUs


Species with genomes


Species with data


Species with genomes

Note: these statistics summarise the content indexed within ARGA. The values relate to the species deemed relevant to Australia (either by endemicity or economic and social value), and for repositories that are indexed by ARGA. The values may not be indicative of global values for all research.

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Taxonomic coverage

Recent updates


Refreshed front page release

New features: taxonomic coverage widget, updates log


User Interface fixes


Public release